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pkosuda OP t1_j65t2sx wrote

On the Top 10 List of things Buzzfeed needed in order to help create what it calls "content", I didn't believe this one.


EverybodyHasPants t1_j65tbgh wrote

Well shit. Maybe Buzzfeed may finally make something worth reading.


Emergency_Doubt t1_j65wvsy wrote

Now the NPCs are not just the consumers, but the creators as well. What a timeline!


littlest_dragon t1_j65x0w9 wrote

You don’t need an AI to skim Reddit and twitter for content, a simple bot should be sufficient.


Mrsimple00 t1_j65z0hc wrote

No surprise. They barely worked before.


Rheum42 t1_j667y2w wrote

As if they weren't already lol. We probably won't notice the difference


blahbleh112233 t1_j668ubh wrote

Isn't this already happening on a lot of spam sites? I swear half the "you'll never know what this banana is meant for" sites are AI generated


TieDyedTexan t1_j66929z wrote

Can we just all agree to admit buzzfeed is bankrupt. Doesn’t matter who writes the content.


Wranglicon t1_j669mi4 wrote

Top 10 things that totally, really aren't poisonous to humans! Number 5 will blow you away!

And this how they take over


HomemadeBananas t1_j66a1s9 wrote

I don’t get why this is such news. Spammy sites have been using AI to write articles for years. It just makes this more oniony.


pkosuda OP t1_j66dy5w wrote

That's hilarious. They not only used an AI to make the book, but they didn't even bother to "proofread" the photos.

I look forward to the inevitable future where AI will be writing fictional stories for us and nobody bothers to read it before selling it so you end up with Brony fanfiction in the kid's section.


DigitalSteven1 t1_j66kwgn wrote

It'll be better than the shit they can come out with...


ChugstheBeer t1_j66kykz wrote

I am using ChatGPT to create several pitches for TV shows that I plan on selling to Netflix. None of you better steal my idea


SyeThunder2 t1_j66mq1e wrote

In other news the quality of Buzzfeed articles takes a sudden and dramatic increase


Pitshit22 t1_j66qqht wrote

When the AI purposefully spreads misinformation over the internet


cheekyb2 t1_j673hz7 wrote

Pretty sure they just use excel macro today for their articles. Not sure why they need AI.


akwsd89 t1_j67aug4 wrote

Using AI to steal contents and write it in their own version?


djdestrado t1_j67becb wrote

"Top 10 Reasons that I Don't Care about this Press Release..."


plankright37 t1_j67d60y wrote

That’s fucked up but might be worse if the content is not real and factual.


SoWokeIdontSleep t1_j67fl36 wrote

This will be first time any form of intelligence has been involved in the making of buzzfeed content


noimdaveman t1_j67ndnx wrote

Their headlines and photos might actually make sense now.


Darkality24 t1_j67pm2j wrote

They may well, it's not like they were using talent of effort before.


wicktus t1_j67tata wrote

They most certainly already have crawlers and data aggregators in place..just a little tool upgrade


ThatAlliLady t1_j67tqz2 wrote

How to kill the international freelance content writer market.


fish_bacon t1_j67zuub wrote

I'm stealing the idea of a cinematic universe and TV series based on your movie about someone who uses ChatGPT to create pitches for shows that don't exist, all Ocean's 11 style and shit. Based on the novel Push, by Sapphire.


MetricVeil t1_j68b6of wrote

>... all of you aren't just bots...

I would just assume they/we are all bots.

I like to play 'Spot the Human' in subreddit comments. The internet has become a warzone and the demise of human interactions are the collateral damage in the 'Great Bot vs AI Battle'. :D


mayoroftuesday t1_j68cvg5 wrote

It’ll be better than the garbage they produce now.


yenks t1_j68e0c8 wrote

Should improve the quality


DooglarRampant t1_j68n65f wrote

Everything on Buzzfeed reads like it was made by AI already. AI trained by children.


ic4llshotgun t1_j68p3io wrote

I wonder when we're gonna get to a point where all the comments on an AI generated article are from bots. No human interaction at all, just machines talking at one another


HomemadeBananas t1_j68p3nq wrote

Not really, GPT-3’s davinci models that ChatGPT is based on may even be better because you’re not going to have to constantly work around it saying “as a large language model…”

There are countless writing tools that are also based on GPT-3 like Jasper AI. People are just hyped about ChatGPT because it’s free for anyone to poke around with, but this tech has already existed.


jad2121 t1_j68ucg7 wrote

I think everybody is missing the importance of this. After they announced it, the stock went up by 150%!!

Why? Probably because it means that buzzfeed can produce the same content with less staff (I.e. layoffs). Other companies are going to follow suit. This is the beginning of society completely changing. Whether it’s for the better or worse remains to be seen.


Sonof8Bits t1_j69con5 wrote

The point where I noticed a site was an AI fake was because everything was labeled top 10 and every post was at least 50 pictures. Good at scraping content, not so good at counting.

Come to think of it, that's quite an achievement, making a computer program so dumb that it can't do basic computations.


fgk55555 t1_j6ac8z1 wrote

Should be a step up from whatever piss poor AI they're using already.


Actual__Wizard t1_j6au300 wrote

I think it's really sad that people are not being properly explained how these algorithms work, because once you know how they work, you will lose all interest in them and then realize that they are completely useless...

It's sad to hear about any media organization planning to use this type of tool at all in their business.

You would be better off just Googling an article and rewriting it, which is definitely a type of plagiarism.