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Mitthrawnuruo t1_j4bl7wv wrote

Lol are you on crack? I have nothing good to say about pelosi, hit her ability to keep dems in line is legendary.


yosoydorf t1_j4bohbw wrote

Pelosi made over $100M while in office by voting with her HEART using this one simple trick


Col__Hunter_Gathers t1_j4c8zml wrote

I mean, she clearly loves money, so OP ain't wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yosoydorf t1_j4cbhcb wrote

The heart wants what the heart wants. If the Heart just so happens to want $20 ice cream and Napa Valley vintages, what else is one to do?


passwordsarehard_3 t1_j4bmicq wrote

And why is that? Pelosi is the exception that proves the rule, it’s impressive she got them to tow the line because dems usually don’t. When was the last time you were impressed every republican voted for a bill? That’s because they always all vote for the bill.


yosoydorf t1_j4bp3ot wrote


So why didnt the supposed Monolithic GOP give all of their votes to McCarthy from the get go, as you would expect from a. group that you claim votes party line every single time. Why did they need to go 15 rounds of voting to get it done?

Meanwhile, every single DNC member voted for Hakeem Jeffries.

You seem very, very confused.
