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aidan8et t1_j4bm3qg wrote

I mean... Postal workers, grounds keepers, and desk clerks are also all govt workers. Not sure exactly what "power trip" the person cutting grass at the park would get.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_j4brs9r wrote

> Not sure exactly what "power trip" the person cutting grass at the park would get.

You've never been accosted for walking on someone else's grass before?


the_fly_guy0423 t1_j4bsrpu wrote

not by city workers maintaining public lands, it's always been private landowners making a fuss


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_j4bvg7o wrote

I don't think that is accurate, unfortunately. Whether someone is a government employee or a private landowner really makes no difference about whether or not they're gonna be a douche to you.


the_fly_guy0423 t1_j4bzjf7 wrote

ofc not, just sharing my experiences when i have to cut corners through a patch of grass 😂