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printers_rock t1_j4ej9r1 wrote

Well if we give a shit at all about being right specifically, not just generally... Deficit by year:

Year Deficit (in Billions)
2016 585
2017 665
2018 779

Accuracy matters, otherwise you're not helping. You're one of those people where a lot of us end up in a position of "I agree with your overall point but I fucking hate the way you made it"

Not a good person to be, imo.

A better version of that general argument would be to simply ask why deficits rose during his speakership. Should also lump in 2015 at $442B and 2019 at $984B, to make the point even more obvious. You could, of course, make a very concrete form of that argument by laying out the premises that he is both a fiscal conservative as well as acknowledges directly himself that he wielded a tremendous amount of power. But we're not exactly interviewing him, so that's a bit unnecesary.