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BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4ecy75 wrote

Ok. Make sure you punch out for every bathroom break, every personal conversation, and smoke break if you take them, and you better not work slow.

Look. If she actually just sat around and did nothing for hours on end, then yeah she should get in trouble. But the fact that they don’t mention a timeframe makes seem as if she sat for a week without working at all, when we’ve all been guilty of wasting time on the clock, and in the strictest sense, that’s stealing time. But I’ve also done favors for and helped people without being on the clock after being asked to do so, and that is on me, but for other people they are required to do work off the clock and that’s wage theft.

So you can sit here and sniff this companies taint if you want, but I don’t feel bad for them. If she truly stole time, then she got caught; I just hope that we eventually start catching more companies that are stealing time from its employees.


DltaDFoxtrot t1_j4eesl6 wrote

Okay most companies are okay with paid smoke breaks and shitting. This woman had to do something egregious to have the company tell her to pay em. Most companies wouldn't go so hard if it wasn't that serious.

If I had an employee dicking around while they should be working and I was paying em I'd be pissed. Wouldn't you?


Nivosus t1_j4erfdu wrote

Damn, capitalism really has you simping for corporate America.


samiwas1 t1_j4exy0k wrote

If they are getting the job done to your needs, then you damn sure shouldn't be pissed.

I spend half my work day on reddit, Facebook, or working on hobbies, because my job has a lot of wait time built in. There is nothing else to do. My job is to be there, waiting for instruction. Would you be pissed if I was waiting and not pumping metrics?