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LasciviousApemantus OP t1_j4f2nyu wrote

Exactly. But at this point the whole "Unidentified flying object" connotation being synonymous with aliens doesn't help the issue at all. Technically even an airplane is a "UFO" until it is identified as such. Everything is unidentified until it is later identified. It doesn't mean anything, really, and just feeds the conspiracy theorists.


SiriusC t1_j4fdt3p wrote

>"Unidentified flying object" connotation being synonymous with aliens

"Unidentified flying object" isn't synonymous with aliens. "UFO" is. And this happens in language all the time.

>Technically even an airplane is a "UFO" until it is identified as such. Everything is unidentified until it is later identified.

No offense but this is the kind of logic a child would use. Do a bit of research on the etymology of "UFO".


LasciviousApemantus OP t1_j4fj4lt wrote

Yeah bro UFO is literally an acronym for unidentified flying object. 🤦 Do a bit of research on the etymology...?

Idk man i'm kind speechless. I know the dunning-kruger effect is a thing but do you have to be so aggressively wrong? That acronym is like... common knowledge. And things being unidentified objects until they are identified objects is like... Like, thats how things in general work. Have you never dealt with the basic fundamental logic of things? Lots of things are the kind of logic a child would use. Like basic object permanence, which presumably you lack also in addition to being unable to distinguish between identified and unidentified objects. Just because children have these skills and you don't doesn't mean that they aren't an essential part of being a functioning... well, hell, not adult, but a person in general.


Dan_the_can_of_memes t1_j4fh4h7 wrote

My guy maybe you should? A simple google search will tell you the word UFO stems from the acronym Unidentified Flying Object