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Jrubas t1_j6575m0 wrote

Perhaps you've forgotten - or never knew, since you clearly have something against America - that our production capabilities kept the Soviet army in the fight. Khrushchev himself stated that without shipments of Spam from America, the USSR wouldn't have been able to feed its army. If they couldn't feed their army, the Germans would have knocked them out of the fight. If the Germans had knocked the Russians out of the fight, the UK, Canada, and Australia - hell, even the US itself - probably wouldn't have been able to stop the Germans. The Russians suffered millions upon millions of war deaths. Translate that to the Western front (because Russia's out of the war) and what you have is a German victory. So yes, the French would be speaking German right now.

Maybe it's time Europeans showed a little gratitude and stopped with this snobby holier-than-thou bullshit. The French helped us and we helped them. We wouldn't exist without them and without us there'd be swastika flags all over Paris.

Idk where Europeans get off thinking they're so much better than us when a full half of it spent the 20th Century under fascism, Nazism, or Communism. If they were so much better than us, they wouldn't keep sending people to death camps.

Or, you know, relying on a Russian dictator for most of their natural gas lol.