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Warpzit t1_j5pe4n6 wrote

It is already happening.

What people fail to realize with NFTs is that it is only a link entered into a shared database. Value lies in tracing ownership which is perfect for ticket systems and like.


Spire_Citron t1_j5s1rts wrote

We already have ways of tracking the ownership of tickets. That's not where the issue is.


Warpzit t1_j5sebh0 wrote

Kinda is. Ticketmaster sells the ticket to middlemen that are front running your orders in order to increase the price per ticket. Basically they are doing the same thing to ticket as is being done to the stock market.


Spire_Citron t1_j5sewi8 wrote

They could require a name when buying tickets and ID to get in if they wanted to make sure there would be no middlemen buying up tickets. There's nothing that can't be done around that using traditional methods that is only possible through NFTs.