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Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4pzwuu wrote

>Don't get me wrong, I thought the same thing, but musk just doesn't have the influence to play King Maker anymore.

Well, it is a roll of the dice. It's not that he isn't TRYING to play king maker and I do hope he fails. However, these people at the top have a tendency to fail upwards. Rupert Murdoch was in the red with Fox News for over a decade -- they paid more for each audience member than they got (paying to get their channel in venues and more than giving it away). Now it makes a profit -- but, it really makes its value by the reality it creates in people's heads. It promotes fascism and props up candidates who work against the working class.

So, who is to say that in two years, Musk doesn't look like a genius with new contracts? Because sometimes, it's not about the money -- it's about convincing people to put the chain around their own necks. That's necessary until the vote can be rigged and they can get the pesky democracy part out of the way.