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pandawiththumbs t1_j4qyt5l wrote

This can absolutely be true. I read most of that article and it seems fairly accurate. But regardless of the article, overgrown forests can pull too much water from the system. Think of it like having more straws in a glass. At some point the water is gone and everyone will still be thirsty.


kenlasalle t1_j4r17va wrote

The demand humans place on that water also doesn't help the trees or the lake very much.


-Apocralypse- t1_j4r5lol wrote

Consider it was only yesterday I read an american saying how he couldn't afford to truck in the 10.000 gallons of water his family of 6 uses every month (!), I don't think the trees should get all the blame here.


Ninjotoro t1_j4r65rv wrote

I also wonder how many people there have pristine manicured lawns that guzzle water.


theflamingheads t1_j4rfmno wrote

Weird how large forests actually attract rain. It's almost as if your made-up facts are in fact made-up.