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anotheralpaca69 t1_j69bf23 wrote

How is this oniony?


TechnicalSymbiote t1_j69c5w7 wrote

It seems like treating systemic racism with bike paths may not be the most apt method.

Edit: not making claims about effectiveness, just noting that it's certainly not what most people expected when thinking of strategies to combat systemic racism, which is probably why OP thought it fit the sub.


Cwallace98 t1_j69fje1 wrote

But the point is that when you make bike, and walking paths, don't be racist in your designs.


pokeybill t1_j69noql wrote

Avoiding racism in city planning is not oniony. It might be a small step but discounting it like this is myopic.


anotheralpaca69 t1_j69d5wi wrote

Did they say this would solve racism, or just help address it?

Bad reading comprehension isn't oniony.
