Crott117 t1_j50fc8p wrote
I’m not willing to give Fox News a click but I can’t find anything elsewhere suggesting this is actually a real thing.
Black_Dovglas t1_j50hrqn wrote
It's not. The right wing media has to constantly invent fake boogeymen to keep their dumb viewers from thinking critically about anything real.
SelectiveSanity t1_j510tvq wrote
Impossible-Wedding-4 t1_j50krpf wrote
I'd wager is right up there with litterboxes in schools.
Someone's cousins, uncles, brothers, sisters, dogs dogsitters, best friends, aunt 8 times removed, landlords, daughters best friends 5 year old son once saw a cow with a diaper on it and the crazy story started
Fake_William_Shatner t1_j50lnq2 wrote
Someone spent at least five minutes putting a bed sheet on a cow which probably took two minutes to fall off — so it HAD TO BE REAL!
RaffiaWorkBase t1_j5402ta wrote
Probably some cows, somewhere have been fitted with devices to accurately measure how much methane is emitted by different breeds on varying fodder, or some such, and Faux News has hit on another kitty-litter-boxes-in-schools fake outrage bait for clicks.
StarGaurdianBard t1_j55b587 wrote
This article was 100% written by an ai
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