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LevelHeeded t1_j64xsym wrote

My aunt in law was going off about this at Thanksgiving... after a bit of a discussion and some articles, thankfully she's one of the few that can admit she was wrong.

The one point that really got her was when I asked for proof, and she didn't have any, and then I asked if she honestly thought, in this day and age, if some kid was dropping a deuce in the middle of class in a litter box that we wouldn't have a shit load of pictures/video?

It's still so amazing the stupid shit people default believe with zero evidence.


Musicman1972 t1_j6579wt wrote

I really hope you said "dropping a deuce" in family conversation!

But yeah it's a good point. Everything is filmed these days... Even a student just meowing would be all over tik tok in a minute.


LevelHeeded t1_j65bsya wrote

Oh yeah, it's my second favorite way to describe pooping, it's only topped by "I gotta get something down on paper".

I've seen random ass pics on Reddit from multiple angles, pretty sure some kid shitting in box during Biology would be on r/trashy and r/PublicFreakout multiple times. You know if there was even a shred of proof Fox would have ran that story 24/7 for about a month.


SpinningHead t1_j65sd9g wrote

I expect it in my country. Im sad to see this in Ireland.


SelectiveSanity t1_j64u2rd wrote

You want to know where all this kids identifying themselves as cats started from?

If the students are in need of restroom during a lockdown due to an active shooter, protocol is that the teachers are to have a bucket of kitty little on hand if have the need to relieve themselves. Ironically, the school district that right wingers mistook this issue from and locked their culture war weapon sights on to blast at is the same one where Columbine High School is located.


KaisarDragon t1_j64uhv7 wrote

How many times are people going to fall for this?


Just_Discussion6287 t1_j67szod wrote

Anytime a new article blows up like this with key words I do a google search but gradually reduce the time period of the results to the OP article.

A careful operation.

Contrast that too your average facebook user who keeps being fed reposts and shares to infinity. Even if the earth is hit by radiation blasts rendering all internet and computers damaged people are still going to repeat this going into the next stone age.

At some point in the rebuilt future. Civilizations will consider it luxury to dress as cats and defecate in front of each other.


Ground2ChairMissile t1_j64t2ja wrote

I'd love to hear that phone call.

"And just what the fuck do you expect us to do about it?"


irishmadcat t1_j65e89v wrote

The person who did could be charged with. Incitement to hatred. Child endangerment. Rilling up the head the balls. The last one is not yet a crime in Ireland but it's the first on the list to added once I'm in charge.


Dopecombatweasel t1_j64tjy1 wrote

If things were like this in highschool, starting a rumor like this is something id hope to do


DFG57 t1_j65s1yk wrote

Here's a perfect example of the line about how "a lie has made it halfway around the world while the truth is still tying its shoes." This idiocy probably started in some grandma's Facebook account in Nebraska and now it's made it over to Ireland.


Chard069 t1_j663wg5 wrote

Could be worse. At least these Irish kids don't identify as sheep or priests. ;-)


Aspel t1_j675lv4 wrote

Again? How often is this going to come up?