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Fando1234 t1_j6niwka wrote

This article is literally the epitome of pointless culture war crap.

"Several people in a Coventry Facebook group complained about the restaurant being called Woke"

That's the story.

I'm genuinely not sure what's dumber. The 'several people' who bothered commenting about something so stupid on Facebook. Or the fact the Guardian have dedicated a whole article to what several people wrote on a Facebook group.


ffxivthrowaway03 t1_j6ofw4i wrote

My vote is for the people who took it a step further, and are now arguing about it in the reddit comments.

This is the modern news cycle, it's all just outrage bait to get people riled up and talking shit about "the other team." Doesn't even matter if the topic at hand is factual as long as they can leverage it to rationalize being angry and attacking "the enemy."