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vaksninus t1_j6oo0ly wrote

bad branding, unfortunate but makes sense. We live in a society. A icecream company in my country changed their name from isis (ice ice in my language) when the terror group was in the media a lot.


Orcabandana t1_j6oqdfl wrote

They're not the same thing. Being woke is not the same as being a terrorist group, and changing the name would be bending into rightist misappropriation of the word.


vaksninus t1_j6oxsg4 wrote

of course its not the same thing, but it's the same principle. Some people don't like woke because of the group it represents, some people do.


Orcabandana t1_j6oy7uu wrote

So you want them to bend over for the group that don't like woke?