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Muroid t1_j6ojls0 wrote

Endowment effect: People overestimate the value of things they already own.

You say an arm or a hand isn’t worth a million dollars, but let me ask you this: if you had a million dollars and someone offered you a severed arm for a million dollars, would you take it? No? Then clearly a million dollars is worth more than an arm.


Great_New_York_Bewbs t1_j6ombub wrote

Read that back to yourself and figure out how this might be the dumbest statement today on all of Reddit.


_UltimatrixmaN_ t1_j6ou5i4 wrote

It's the difference between someone selling you an arm for a million dollars or asking if you'd chop off your own arm for a million dollars. The value judgement changes dramatically.


greensandgrains t1_j6oma7g wrote

Really weird that you’re calling a limb a thing like it’s an object. It’s a g-d body part! Flesh and blood!