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[deleted] t1_j5d5kpj wrote



Mysticpoisen t1_j5dvmlq wrote

I was just talking about this today to a friend of mine. I'm a pretty well traveled dude, I've lived in some of the most infamously dangerous cities in America. I've done a bit of adrenaline junkie sports.

I have never felt more unsafe, or feared more for my life than when driving on Wisconsin roads at night.


bountygiver t1_j5frdap wrote

And statistically you are correct, cars killed more than any of those crimes do.


DrKronin t1_j5e0wjx wrote

Racing sim work really opened my eyes to this. One drink, and I'm a mile off my best, and I'd still be legal to drive.


Schemen123 t1_j5e2p07 wrote

Yep ... One beer basically kills your reaction speed.

We found that out when you kill count in UT dropped significantly after a single beer.

And we were very well 'trained' in those days


Astroglaid92 t1_j5f9ly3 wrote

It’s not a valid excuse, but the vast majority of cities and towns in the US were designed with the intention that most transportation would happen via private vehicles. Public transportation is neglected, and accommodations for pedestrian access are poor or non-existent. It’s so bad that apparently the fatality rate for walking home drunk is worse than for driving home drunk.


22wwc t1_j5flf3n wrote

There are buses here in other-London (or whatever you're calling it.) There are also cabs and Uber. She was belligerent when she left, got in a car and drove the wrong way down a one-way street for several blocks before plowing into a house at the end of a t-intersection.

I understand the desire to sue everyone in sight. Her insurance company is probably not going to pay, and there are definitely lawsuits against her. Tough shit for her and her dad though. This one's gonna hurt.


Sure_Trash_ t1_j5el8zh wrote

After one drink, I wouldn't question shit because you can barely feel it. This chick had way, way more than a single drink. If I'm going out, I have 2-3 ciders max depending on the size that's served and how many hours I'm out and about. The idea that you can't have any at all and still drive seems like it's coming from people that don't drink at all and don't know how it affects people.


Oggel t1_j5es7m2 wrote

You can disagree with the clinical studies done on the subject all you want, I'm sure your intuition is better than the scientific consensus.


awesomesauce1030 t1_j5eygf5 wrote

Do you have links to the studies that show that?


Oggel t1_j5f4vwf wrote

I just googled "is it safe to drive after one beer", you can too!


[deleted] t1_j5dzwsu wrote

No joke my coworker was just on the phone a couple hours ago talking to her bf who is drunk and driving. It happens a lot sadly.


jaggington t1_j5e9w4a wrote

I’ve always found it bizarre how American TV shows and films normalize drink driving. People meeting in a bar for a drink or several to move the plot forward, then driving somewhere completely unimpaired. It’s worse than the cliche of the driver turning to talk to the passenger and not looking at the road.


5DsOfDodgeball t1_j5eb6hd wrote

Same here in Sweden. We have very tough drinking and driving laws. Some of the strictest in Europe.


Oggel t1_j5escbo wrote

And I fucking Love it.

It's really very simple, if you want to drive you don't drink. I wouldn't have it any other way.


awesomesauce1030 t1_j5f1ylp wrote

Unfortunately a lot of places in the US aren't really walkable, especially drunk. You could sleep in your car but that can also lead to a DUI if a cop sees you.


AssassiN_DUDE t1_j5e9uoz wrote

There is a simple solution to that though. If you had more than one drink, just don't drive. Sleep in your car or whatever. In Germany you can actually drink 2 beers and still drive.


lawnerdcanada t1_j5ejog6 wrote

In Canada, and I imagine many other places as well, being in care and control of a motor vehicle while sufficiently impaired is also an offence. People can and have been convicted of the offence for sleeping in their car while intoxicated.


AssassiN_DUDE t1_j5gztdo wrote

Really? I think that sounds kinda dumb. why would you punish someone for not driving while intoxicated? Here it only counts if the key is in the ignition.


bro_salad t1_j5emfz5 wrote

That’s not a solution at all. Because other people will still have a few drinks and drive on the roads with you.


Oggel t1_j5esiu7 wrote

I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across, are you saying it's ok that you drive drunk because other people do it?


bro_salad t1_j5ev1wo wrote

No! The guy I responded to is saying that if you don’t like relaxed drunk driving laws, just don’t drive when you drink. But the problem is the law, and how it affects the behavior of literally every other person on the road.


Sworn_to_Ganondorf t1_j5haxw8 wrote

Made me crack up when I saw drive through liquor stores in arkanasas when I passed through. Then learned same day that they have some of the highest drunk driving numbers.

What a shithole.