Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j5kcxo3 wrote
I mean, what was he doing sitting on a frozen rail for a sufficiently long time to get frozen to it?
FoofieLeGoogoo t1_j5kd1bq wrote
"After inspecting the clumps of fur left stuck to the rail, Neil summed it up by saying: “Operation well-performed.”
GetlostMaps t1_j5kixjr wrote
Rule 3
texastoasty t1_j5l0q2u wrote
If the quantity of water is small it doesn't take too long for it to cool down and freeze, only takes a few seconds to freeze your tongue to a pole.
OneSidedDice t1_j5l4pgj wrote
"They triple dog dared me..."
tigerCELL t1_j5lqma0 wrote
He was probably peeing for 10 seconds and voila
TequilaCamper t1_j5zeliv wrote
Maybe he likes the feel of the third rail electric shock on his genitals? Why you judging
Luder09 t1_j5k4pl9 wrote
awww poor little guy