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knockatize t1_j9pem7v wrote

Might, my ass.

People DO abuse the system. A lot. And taxpayers pay for it all.

This is classic tragedy of the commons: a small but significant part of the population monopolizing and misusing services that are for the -entire- population, and going unpunished even in extreme cases.

First responders can let the frequent flyer know about the existing non-emergency programs for the caller, and either they get with the program or face fines and charges. These are existing programs in many jurisdictions.

But not New York City, it would appear.

Google “312 Riverside Drive” in Manhattan. It won’t show up on a map because it doesn’t exist, but it is the reported address for thousands of fake 911 calls.

From ONE guy. In this case, an old crackhead in a shelter. (That’s “older individual experiencing crackheadedness” for the exquisitely sensitive.)

Last I knew, he’s still at the shelter and still messing with 911.

Which seems to be okay by New York. One idiot Karen makes one racist 911 call about a birdwatcher and the politicians fall over themselves to pass something on bogus 911 calls involving a protected class.

But when it comes to the other hundreds of thousands of fake calls they don’t do dick.


MyBlueBucket t1_j9pfy8n wrote

not sure why you're not more concerned about the fact that people forego medical treatment due to high medical costs. People abuse any system, but the current system punishes those who have actual medical emergencies. Ambulance rides shouldn't be a for profit business.

My mother passed out all of a sudden at home one morning and I was freaking out and called the ambulance. She didn't want to go on the ambulance because she didn't want to pay for the ride but I made her go on. Fortunately she was fine, but why should she be punished for possibly having a medical emergency? She got a bill in the mail for almost $1000.

You're more concerned about the abuse by a minority of people, but not the abuse done by corporations that want to suck the money out of people suffering from medical issues.


GnomeChomski t1_j9ps72x wrote

The person you're replying to is a 'fiscal conserv-'...I mean he's a fucking racist.


MyBlueBucket t1_j9pzedy wrote

you mean the "fuck you, I got mine" party? Yeah was pretty obvious lol