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movingtobay2019 t1_j6yg9ie wrote

It's a couple thousand dollars for each migrant. No where near enough for any city to handle this.


im_not_bovvered t1_j6yi0az wrote

There needs to be a solution. But to act like NYC doesn't have an illegal immigrant issue is also wrong. It's not like these people being bussed here are the only illegal immigrants here.

I'm totally fine with migrants being sent here as long as we get Federal help - because right now NYC taxpayers are footing this bill. And we already pay more into the tax system than, say, people in Texas.


sexychineseguy t1_j715yrx wrote

> And we already pay more into the tax system than, say, people in Texas.

And Bezos pays more in sales tax than all your taxes combined.

Wealthier people pay more taxes. NYC has a lot of rich people. Unless you're saying that shouldn't be the case and billionaires should get a flat tax that's not based on income?


im_not_bovvered t1_j71yqvu wrote

You think everyone who lives in NYC is wealthy? Lol ok.


My middle class ass is sitting here subsidizing the bad decisions of red states while I work 70 hours a week. But go off.


sexychineseguy t1_j75oyv6 wrote

> My middle class ass is sitting here subsidizing the bad decisions of red states while I work 70 hours a week. But go off.

So you pay more taxes than a billionaire does? Bullshit. Billionaires pay more in any of sales tax, payroll tax, RE tax, etc than you do.