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TetraCubane t1_j6yobls wrote

You realize the tactics they used would be to fund one gang or cartel against another then eventually that gang/cartel becomes the bad guy.

We have people here in the US who want to consume cocaine. If you don't want Pablo Escobar to become a billionaire by making it and smuggling it here, you let Merck and Johnson&Johnson make it and sell it at CVS.


JustinMartry t1_j6ys1uq wrote

Grateful that you aren't in charge of any kind of policy making.

"Decriminalize cocaine"

Make that a bumper sticker.


TetraCubane t1_j6z39gl wrote

If the cost of cocaine plummets because big pharma is making it, that makes it no longer profitable or viable to smuggle.

People are gonna use it either way, no need to lock up people for it.

You should not get locked up for possessing or using any drug. Check out what Portugal has done.


BeMoreChill t1_j71btsg wrote

Big pharma makes heroin pills, how’d that go when doctors were handing them out like M&Ms?


BeMoreChill t1_j71c5b8 wrote

Also you should check out what Portugal has done. You’re not allowed to just do drugs willy nilly. They still seize tons of cocaine and you can still be fined