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12stTales t1_j71s8hz wrote

Everybody on here bought Teitelbaum’s story that a NIMBY stopped housing and we got stuck with a truck depot. He was trolling her (and you) all along. He refused to negotiate with her in earnest and now is wrankling the Boro Pres and Atty Gen for his money-losing and fume-spewing truck depot tantrum. Now he realizes it’s time to stop the tantrum and come back to the table to build housing. Victory KRJ.


Tricky_Artichoke_779 t1_j71yrrx wrote

Lol... I love the fact that you think anyone would believe this nonsense. You're right, we should all defend the racist councilwoman who knows that actually helping her constituents will make it harder for her to keep her job.


12stTales t1_j72jhrx wrote

My points are this:

  1. KRJ fought for more affordability in this project, and has now succeeded
  2. Teitelbaum "building a truck depot instead" was always a bluff meant to punish and troll KRJ, which worked to some degree in terms of media spin. A parking lot is a money losing project compared to building any housing

While in fact she might not keep her job -- there are many people who support her for taking a stand against displacement in Harlem. The YIMBYs are 100% right when they are fighting privileged boomers in Soho trying to /prevent/ affordable housing. When they fight a Harlem councilwoman seeking inclusion of /more/ affordable housing to preserve the historically Black & working class character of the neighborhood -- the story is much more nuanced.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j7dbqnj wrote

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. KRJ did NOTHING for this. She took 400+ affordable units and turned it into zero.


TeamMisha t1_j731svl wrote

Little early to call it a victory if she says no again. The total lottery percent is 50% (same as before) but in context this project is years in the making and still not even under construction. At what cost in delays is this worth thr fight? If every project continues to be like this I hardly call it a victory