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jallallabad t1_j74cluz wrote

Luxury buildings tend to have stricter rules. This article has it backwards


sportsfan42069 t1_j75hjwm wrote

I always thought that as a building gets more expensive, they have more stick rules, till a breaking point at which point the building caters to the wants and needs of the renters/owners.

If you have f-you money (6-figure yearly rent) and want to walk your dog through the lobby, I am sure you can find a building that will let you do that.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbgc7 wrote

The person isn’t correct whatsoever. I’ve literally lived in, been to, or looked at, the most expensive buildings in NYC. This isn’t a thing, or at least not a common thing.


S3cretBoy t1_j7byakf wrote

This is definitely a thing. But I would say it’s certainly avoidable. My current condo has same rule. Weirdly you can’t walk the dog out of the front door (you must carry or go out the service entrance) but you can walk with your dog through the front entrance if you’re on your way into the building.

Don’t ask me why this a rule, it’s very dumb. I THINK their rational is, you’re dog needs to go out they don’t want it to have an “accident” in the lobby and they don’t want it peeing or shitting right in front of the building where doormen let people in and out.

Of all the doorman buildings (5 or 6 of them) I’ve lived in NYC over a decade, this is the only one that’s done this but it have seen apartments that do this


OldKingRob t1_j76mvbd wrote

Maybe it’s some newly rich people who aren’t used to being told no.


BiblioPhil t1_j77dvt3 wrote

I would think that applies to old money, not new


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbbiu wrote

Not true whatsoever. I’ve lived in a bunch of luxury buildings, visited a ton, and also house hunted in multiple buildings. That’s from 56 Leonard, to One57, to 432, to Jardam. Only letting dogs be in service is not a common thing whatsoever.


thisisntmineIfoundit t1_j75gzms wrote

I mean it’s backwards from what I’ve experienced. Rich people seem to do whatever the fuck they want.


GenshinKenshin t1_j75s9kw wrote

Generally true but often times the owners want a very specific look and “culture” in their spaces.

These rules keeps everyone in check as to not lower the optic value of the building.

We don’t want loud music, that’s ghetto. We are a posh society that likes our music classical and low.

We don’t like animals walking around, this isn’t a zoo after all, keep them on a leash and off the expensive floors.

Etc etc, it’s the same thing with HOA being anal about everything ppl do on their own property


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j76rfsj wrote

>We don’t want loud music, that’s ghetto.

Or maybe the rule recognizes that it's not fair for one resident to subject others to his or her loud music.


TizonaBlu t1_j7bbmxq wrote

Except that’s not true for the vast majority of high end condos in the city. I’m talking stuff like One57 or any number of Stern buildings.

Maybe that’s the case for coops as I’m not familiar with them.