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t1_j7baka5 wrote

My building’s average price is over $10m and we always allowed pets to use the normal elevator. Then after years, they recently changed the policy so that it doesn’t matter if you’re an owner or dog walker, you have to take service. New board apparently has some anti dog people. Which is ridiculous if you know some of these owners.

Anyway, we protested by just ignoring the rules. Currently, only one unit uses service and we all use normal. Sometimes you just have to get all your neighbors together to fight.


t1_j7pke4p wrote

Organized rule breaking... that's not going to end well.


t1_j7pp9hc wrote

Considering they've not levied any fines to anyone yet, I'd say it's going pretty damn well.


t1_j7pph4x wrote

Wait until someone without a dog decides there is a rule they don't want to follow either... good luck.


t1_j7pubc2 wrote

If a rule is so bad that a significant percentage of the residents do not follow it, then I would say that the rule shouldn't have been in place anyway.

Also, you must be fun during the civil rights era.