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Bma1500 t1_j9rgllq wrote

Now we know who is driving around with fake license plates


gerrys t1_j9ts95h wrote

Every time I walk by the police station in my neighborhood, it’s surrounded by cars with fake and defaced plates. Weird that they can’t solve this problem when it’s right in front of them.


stork38 t1_j9x53ig wrote

Those are probably seized cars 😂


PiffityPoffity t1_j9rhsd5 wrote

Now we know who’s being stopped with fake license plates.


Bma1500 t1_j9rhw39 wrote

The people with fake license plates.


PiffityPoffity t1_j9ri8o3 wrote

A subset of them, and not necessarily a representative one.


Bma1500 t1_j9ricfx wrote

Cant be stopped for a fake license plate if you don’t use one 🤷🏻‍♂️


PiffityPoffity t1_j9rirnh wrote

No shit, but that doesn’t address whether enforcement is done in a discriminatory manner.


Bma1500 t1_j9rj6rg wrote

If you don’t want to be targeted by police, don’t use a fake license plate. It’s very simple.


mowotlarx OP t1_j9rjm5u wrote

If you don’t want to be targeted by police be white. It’s very simple.


Bma1500 t1_j9rjs1d wrote

If you don’t want to get arrested for fake license plates, don’t use fake license plates.

What does race have to do with it, dummy?


Don_Gato1 t1_j9rzcy4 wrote

Do you believe that 90% of the people with fake license plates are black or Latino?

edit: you’ll notice all the people downvoting are too scared to respond


nokinok t1_j9s66lc wrote

90% or searches are black or Latino. This data doesn’t tell us what races the people using fake license plates are. It looks like stops and summonses are issued roughly proportionally to racial demographics. I’m not sure if people are getting arrested for forgery.


Bma1500 t1_j9riyry wrote

Why are you making excuses for criminals?


PiffityPoffity t1_j9s0bim wrote

Oh c’mon. I’m asking why the NYPD excuses a certain class of criminals. I’m in favor of enforcement, but I don’t believe it’s being done fairly—which means some criminals are getting away with it. I’d like to see that stop. Why do you want it to continue?


hortence1234 t1_j9s0v1x wrote

Lol! How do you "fairly" perform enforcement?


PiffityPoffity t1_j9s1oog wrote

You enforce the law against lawbreakers and you apply discretion equally regardless of a person’s race, gender, etc. You don’t, for example, give a warning to a white motorist and then a ticket to a black motorist for the same violation. You don’t target enforcement operations at neighborhoods full of people of color while ignoring the same violations in white neighborhoods.


Thick-Top-1353 t1_j9s2r4f wrote

> You don’t, for example, give a warning to a white motorist and then a ticket to a black motorist for the same violation.

Interesting hypothesis. Where is your evidence for this regarding fake plates?


PiffityPoffity t1_j9tn4po wrote

It was an example based on historical practices. I don’t have anything specific to fake plates.

> While the race of those stopped in 2022 is roughly proportional to the city's demographics, the numbers skew when enforcement escalates.

Stops may be representative, but stops leading to fine or arrest are not. That would suggest white motorists are more likely to get off with a warning. We don’t have enough data to confirm either way (there are certainly other factors at play at least to some extent), but it’s worth further research.


Longjumping_Vast_797 t1_j9ta5bf wrote

You have zero proof, ZERO, that those statistics aren't well, representative of the data they summary. You and others need to accept reality is disproportionate.


PiffityPoffity t1_j9tcvce wrote

Why would I need to accept that when you’ve offered no evidence of your claim?


mowotlarx OP t1_j9rjj6u wrote

Do they stop everyone with fake plates? Or do they pick and choose?

It's the latter. We already know that. Police enforcement isn't even handed and is often racist. Crime rate demographics mostly signify who was stopped, not who commits the crimes.


Bma1500 t1_j9rjxoq wrote

You tell me. You’re the one saying it’s racist to arrest people for fake license plates


mowotlarx OP t1_j9rqivp wrote

You're being willfully obtuse. Do you think black people are the only ones with fake plates? Or the only ones the police stop and fine for it?


user_joined_just_now t1_j9sqmpb wrote

> Crime rate demographics mostly signify who was stopped, not who commits the crimes.

In 2021, 90.7% of murder victims in NYC were black or Latino. A similar percentage of arrested murder suspects were black or Latino, mirroring the belief that most murders are intraracial. However, only 3.9% of suspects in NYC arrested for murder in 2021 were white. Since this is racist, could you give a ballpark estimate as to how high this number should be to resolve the issue? After that, we can start brainstorming ideas to achieve equity in murder.


user_joined_just_now t1_j9ssaem wrote

> While the race of those stopped in 2022 is roughly proportional to the city's demographics, the numbers skew when enforcement escalates.


PiffityPoffity t1_j9td38p wrote

Ah, so the stops are proportionate, but arrests aren’t. That’s even worse. NYPD lets white people off with a warning more often for the same violation.


wookietennis t1_j9u3y15 wrote

Or maybe because of socioeconomic factors, white people’s finances are less impacted by a camera ticket compared to other demographics. Not excusing this behavior.


PiffityPoffity t1_j9u4dab wrote

There’s plenty of maybes. More data is needed to say anything conclusively either way. Your maybe is no likelier than mine.

Mine’s got plenty of historical basis, though.


wookietennis t1_j9u7bct wrote

I hate pigs as much as the next guy, but my sample pool from riding a bike daily through three boroughs is that most license plate modification is either done by LEO affiliates (they are getting let go), car bro douches (usually non white), Jeep or pickup bro douches (usually white or LEO affiliate), or a car that probably would not pass inspection and is being used to get to a manual labor type job site or warehouse (usually non white). I would guess that it’s 90% plus men who do this though.