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ntbananas t1_ja83opo wrote

I agree that midtown wouldn't be my first choice at this stage in life (though I was in the 50s for my first apartment out of college). I think the long-term goal is to make midtown less shitty by having it become more residential, somewhat similar to the financial district.

It will never be trendy (at least not for the next few decades) but it can certainly offer more housing stock for people looking to get more bang for their buck and potentially reduce demand elsewhere.

In summary: not for me, but good luck I guess


TheAJx t1_ja87nsd wrote

> I think the long-term goal is to make midtown less shitty by having it become more residential, somewhat similar to the financial district.

The goal is really to build houses where there is capacity to do so. 25 year olds don't have a problem catching a cab or taking the bus/subway to go wherever they want to go. I'm sure many of them would jump on the opportunity to live somewhere with more space or lower rents and still be close to all of Manhattan's amenities. When i was 25 years old the distance of places wasn't really much of an obstacle to me.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_ja8arc2 wrote

Which I get but I don't think the housing will be cheap is my point which I clearly didnt articulate