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IloveSeaFoood t1_j919na7 wrote

Pfft living alone is a blessing I cherish every single day. The only downside is the nights I come home really drunk and have to puke in my toilet all alone, then nurse my hangover the next day all alone

Same thing for when I get sick too. Other than that, being single and living alone is a blessing I’m thankful for every single day


lntentIyViabIe t1_j91dx6g wrote

I have the opposite opinion, I wish I had someone there for me. Not just in cases when sick but to be supportive in life in general and feel loved and vice versa. Alone time is good but not all the time, and I’d say not most of the time in my opinion.


IloveSeaFoood t1_j91ftfv wrote

Sounds like you need some friends!

Even though I live alone, I see my friends and family all the time.

You should take advantage of having your own space to do what you want with, and try to reach out and host a movie night or something


lntentIyViabIe t1_j91hso3 wrote

Please be my friend!

You’re right, good friends and family can help fill that void. However it’s still not really the same to me. Friends and family can only do so much, romantic love is something I miss. Plus when you’re truly a full partner with someone, that’s more than friends or even family. Ideally speaking, a life partner shares fully in everything. They wholly invest in your life together and you’re both on the hook together whether it’s financial or day to day. You could maybe even say that about a really amazing best friend but that’s still lacking romantic love. It’s obvious we value different things on this, I respect that.