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Chimera-0ne t1_j9ewrmb wrote

People say a lot of things. Warren identified herself as Native American, contributed to Native American literature as if she practiced the culture, and was listed as Native American on official documents with both her employers and educators. She’s a piece of shit. There’s plenty of room for both her and Santos to be shitbag excuses for humans.


Lovis_Iovis t1_j9ex0gj wrote

Ah, I see. I knew about her checking a box on a college application, but didn’t know about her contributing to any literature or claiming to practice culture. Do you know of any examples?


Chimera-0ne t1_j9eyrxk wrote

Off the top of my head I remember there was a thing about her contributing to Native American cookbooks or something. I believe there was more, but I can’t look it up right this second.


mojogogo123 t1_j9f0we6 wrote

I believe the book was called "Pow Wow Chow"


harlemtechie t1_j9g2mvc wrote

I don't know why acknowledging this is being downvoted, unless no one really cares about cultural appropriation and the outrage is just political.... what Warren did was wrong AF. It's cool bc other Natives read my comments when I'm in other subs and they'll see the actual character of people and a lot don't like what she did....bc I feel many need to see it to see how people stay on their bs..


Chimera-0ne t1_j9f1hk4 wrote

Thought you were fucking with me, but yeah that’s the one.