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[deleted] t1_j9vsfin wrote


systemization t1_j9w61fh wrote

I could, that’s an arguably easier point to prove. Black people for far too too long have been ignored and manipulated by the Demogorgon party.


biggreencat t1_j9w6pmg wrote

and the republican party? and trump?


systemization t1_j9w976f wrote

A Republican President may be our last hope. May God bless these United States of America.


biggreencat t1_j9wheba wrote

no i mean, what good have Republicans and Trump done for black Americans?


systemization t1_j9wl06c wrote

Under Republican presidencies, like President Trump, black Americans experience more opportunities, prosperity, security, and fairness than under any other democratic president ever.


biggreencat t1_j9wlkv5 wrote

any specific programs, policy changes, etc you can cite?


systemization t1_j9wlofo wrote


biggreencat t1_j9wz9fg wrote

>The President’s [Trump's] proposal calls for the elimination of the Minority Business Development Agency

that's one of the programs Trump's flyer says he wants to make permanent, and to elevate, under the "access to capital for black owned businesses" heading


systemization t1_j9x2cb1 wrote

Yup, he’s streamlining black-owned businesses!


biggreencat t1_j9x3v0g wrote

what does that mean? you mean that MBDA stands in the way of black-owned business? his flyer claims he wants to lionize the MBDA, but he sought to close it.


biggreencat t1_ja1d67c wrote

would you explain the point you were making, please?


biggreencat t1_ja4dfmk wrote

aight bro, you should know that for all your writing here, you looked bad and ended up flat on your face.