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HEIMDVLLR t1_j9wk72y wrote

Local Los Angeles residents can do that now downtown, but have you seen how desolate it looks? This is also true in a lot of cities with downtowns. People like to hangout in other areas of the city.

The empty streets will be cool at first, but then it will be just like it was during the pandemic, a lot of people will begin to avoid it and stick to areas more populated and lively.


nychuman t1_j9wknj5 wrote

The streets would be filled with people instead dude… we have 400+ subway stations connecting our city and thousands of buses.

This isn’t LA.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j9x9rqm wrote

You think not having an active subway system is what’s keeping people from downtown LA? Everyone drives there and the parking is cheap, yet they choose not to go downtown. The same will happen to Manhattan, just like every other city with a downtown.

You see the empty store fronts, there’s space available signs everywhere right?

Edit: The downvotes don’t mean shit when Manhattan is already suffering from people working from home. It’s gotten so bad, they have to convert empty office buildings into residential housing.
