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meteoraln t1_jad777p wrote

Reply to comment by 603er in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever

Cant they just pick cheaper contractors? Or limit the budget so there’s less money for politicians to fill their friend’s pockets?


GreatStateOfSadness t1_jadxsg4 wrote

Cheaper contractors usually result in shoddier work. When I was doing consulting with city and regional governments, it was not uncommon for a government to pick one of our competitors because they promised to get the work done for half the price. Then, six months later, it becomes evident that the competitor vastly underbid and ended up delivering results that were well below expectations. The government then has to basically throw that work out and start over.


meteoraln t1_jadz4oh wrote

A good example - the Freedom Tower in NYC, over 100 stories tall, was built with $4 billion. NYC is currently looking to spend $12 billion on renovating, not building, the Port Authority bus station. Maybe the government should use the Freedom Tower builders? Maybe NYC has incompetent managers that can’t be trusted to run and direct the builders.