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tehdiplomat t1_j9ai63d wrote

The sequel "places to find peace and quiet with small children" is just a self addressed postcard that says "when you find out please let me know"


yiannistheman t1_j9asrry wrote

Prequel to the more popular edition, '50 Places In NYC That Used To Be Quiet Until Allan Fucked It Up'


ouiserboudreauxxx t1_j9d07il wrote

That's why this is the 3rd edition. Have to get the most current one to find out the actual quiet places.


Revan_KingInTheNorth t1_j9at989 wrote

My go to: North Woods in Central Park. You feel like you're not in the city, until you get to the Great Hill and are treated with a serene view of the skyline.

Not a lot of foot traffic either.


brando56894 t1_j9e45c0 wrote

I love how Central Park can give the feeling of being out in the wilderness even though you're in the middle of Manhattan.


JulesOnFire t1_j9b17l0 wrote

The NYPL in Bryant Park has a little movie theater that plays a movie about the history of the library on loop. I used to work in midtown and would take naps in there on my lunch break. It was so relaxing with the comfy chairs, low lights, and librarians droning on about Mary Shelly. Highly recommend if you need tranquility.


hereditydrift t1_j9au2vg wrote

Is this one of those gag books that have blank pages?


fauxtoe t1_j9bc3zb wrote

Nah, it just says NJ on the only page


arbrady t1_j9b9g0h wrote

It just says “in bed asleep, hopefully”


k1lk1 t1_j9aa3o8 wrote

What are the top 5


keefhernandz OP t1_j9agc5r wrote

Had to backtrack and reframe my response! I would say it's a matter of preference. I don't think the list is in any particular order. I find museums, certain parks and anywhere near the water to be the best places for peace and/or quiet. Beaches during the off season, the Cloisters, The Met or AMNH, etc.


mapoftasmania t1_j9ap6fx wrote

Go to one of the less popular exhibits at The Met and you will find tranquility. AMNH is too busy.

And there is always the NY Public Library reading room.


JulesOnFire t1_j9b0hp9 wrote

The hall of musical instruments is supreme tranquility. Plus you can get excerpts of the audio tour for free on your phone using the Met’s website and use it to listen to the instruments.


CactusBoyScout t1_j9c1c6l wrote

There's a Chinese jade room on the 3rd floor that can only be accessed from the furthest northeast corner of the 2nd floor and there's usually no one there. It's wonderful.


Mr___Person t1_j9cq087 wrote

I love the Damascus room as well, very peaceful.


India_Ink t1_j9b3u60 wrote

I love that room, but didn’t know about the audio tour! Thanks for the tip.


keefhernandz OP t1_j9apjy7 wrote

Good point. Although there are certain pockets of the museum that are less populated than others. I also appreciate being across from Central Park, which can be way too crowded at times, however is large enough that you be certain to find a quiet nook.


wrongwaycorrigan t1_j9br7qz wrote

Nobody goes to this part of the Met. I have never seen other people here when I visit.


ImClumZ t1_j9dqms4 wrote

I got lost and ended up here once. Didn't figure out what it was called until today!Never saw anyone either. :')


wrongwaycorrigan t1_j9h0tng wrote

You get the feeling like... maybe you aren't supposed to be up there? I love it.


Luke90210 t1_j9d0w7d wrote

The Morgue

The Jeffrey Epstein Center for Human Justice

Citi Field in the post season


Disused_Yeti t1_j9ach0a wrote

mustn’t have worked if they got rid of the book


hellothere42069 t1_j9an9u7 wrote

There’s an equal amount of proof it did work perfectly and now they don’t need the book.


keefhernandz OP t1_j9afml3 wrote

Pretty sure there are several reasons a person would donate a book.


willmeyers t1_j9aqjmh wrote

I have this book in my bathroom! Great for flipping open to a random page and reading


speedind3mon t1_j9e8jpv wrote

Nice! I really like The Cloisters as an escape. Not only can one see sublime medieval art but there is also a stunning view of Jersey from Fort Tyron Park. In the Met itself, some of the less popular sections can be peaceful.

Within Central Park, I favor the The Ramble and The Ravine, both of which are less frequented. The North Wood also tends to be sparse of people, particularly on week days — frequently so sparse that pot smokers seem to hide out there.

Last weekend, we went to Jamaica Nature Reserve. It’s a bit far from Manhattan but worth the trip. I’ve never seen so many egrets. The view, on a good day, is stunning — the sky will reveal its vastness here in a way that is obscured in skyscraper-heavy Manhattan. Even in Central Park, one’s view of the heavens is impeded by all the buildings.

I’ve heard that Coney Island during the off season can be quiet. I keep meaning to go in late fall.


RebootJobs t1_j9bdbqo wrote

Is this a current edition? If not, then the places are probably outdated and overrun by people without manners.


Agnia_Barto t1_j9d0d0a wrote

3rd edition because places from the from the first 2 editions are now all CVS


Robertm922 t1_j9d43qw wrote

Canon Walk at the Seaport was the best.


GothWitchOfBrooklyn t1_j9dk4wf wrote

There's a church on John Street in the financial district that has a little sort of gardeny area on each side and I used to go sit there during my lunch when I worked there. It was surprisingly quiet


Cachesystem t1_j9e2qde wrote

Way to expose it. Now they will be filled by noisy people. 😓


missingwhitegirl t1_j9c6s7k wrote

The Naval Cemetery Landscape is my go to. Such a tranquil little spot.


Nerfgirl_RN t1_j9c76xn wrote

Fine. Keep your secrets….


capybaramelhor t1_j9fb48x wrote

I have one of these too, a different edition :-) it’s very old


cha614 t1_j9b4xb8 wrote

Post pics


Weird-Appointment-53 t1_j9cuqem wrote

So this is basically a book about BS. Ain’t no place in NY that’s quiet. Every bodies always be walking over there.


radek4pl t1_j9ayzo2 wrote

If you're looking for peace and quiet, why live in NYC?


India_Ink t1_j9b5aot wrote

It’s the other way around, dude. When you live in NYC sometimes you need to look for peace and quiet. Do you not live in NYC? Or are you in your early 20’s and just moved here?


Definitely_wasnt_me t1_j9bic0b wrote

Look at their post history…. At your own risk.


India_Ink t1_j9br1ph wrote

I shouldn’t respond to someone who is intentionally being a fuckwit on the internet, but I also have poor impulse control. Sorry for feeding the troll.


amstobar t1_j9bt4c9 wrote

I lived i. The East Village for a year. Was still one of the most peaceful years I’ve had. Was in 2005, so not because the pandemic. We all have different motivators.


radek4pl t1_j9bu5hr wrote

I mean it depends on how you define "finding peace". For me it surely ain't living in a concrete jungle with only artifical nature around. To each their own though.
