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RGE27 t1_j9yu0of wrote

Idk man. They’re waiting for something to go down or an insane schizo to be jerking off in front of a 7 year old. The comments “nypd doing there thing” when if they stopped a black guy for this would get ridiculed as well. Just leave them alone lol


Bertie_Woo t1_j9ywjqk wrote

I see that argument, but I think the rule of law is important. If the fare evader has a job he should pay, if he doesn't we should fund programs to get him reduced price tickets. Inaction makes the police look bad and rewards unlawful behavior.


RGE27 t1_j9z8giw wrote

I’m with you. Personally I think that guy needs to be written a ticket or whatever the consequences are. Just pointing out the sad world we live in. Cops don’t do anything they are ridiculed, they do their jobs writing a ticket to a black guy and they’re deemed evil.


srpokemon t1_j9zoh2j wrote

problems with the city should not be left alone