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newestindustry t1_jadsxmo wrote

>If you chose to be an electrician or a contractor instead of someone who works primarily on a computer and phone why should you get a special gift in salary (when you already get overtime that most office workers don't get) because you obviously can't work remotely?

This is really lame and anti-worker.


mowotlarx t1_jadujk3 wrote


It's anti-worker to pretend all jobs need to be equalized in this very silly way. What the administration is actually doing here by setting up this ridiculous comparison between different kinds of jobs, is pitting workers against each other hoping they won't look up top. That is anti-worker. Different jobs are different. Why are we sitting here pretending they aren't? Blue collar city jobs have always had overtime options that administrative workers never had. This "equalizing" has already occurred because of that.


newestindustry t1_jadxwlb wrote

Blue collar workers do physically taxing work. They can be hurt or killed on the job. Acting like they're the bad guys for wanting cash compensation for a benefit that more educated workers will be able to get is not cool.


mowotlarx t1_jadze3m wrote

Wanting cash because they are angry that their physical labor job they chose doesn't allow them to work remotely is ridiculous. Ask for more $$ because you deserve it, but demanding it because their work can't be remote is childish. And the only people egging on this apples to oranges garage are the bosses.


newestindustry t1_jae6r68 wrote

You keep saying it's ridiculous, silly, childish, without giving any real reasons why blue collar laborers shouldn't seek cash compensation for a benefit (remote work) that they can't receive but more educated workers do. I feel like you're seeing a zero-sum game between blue- and white-collar workers where it doesn't exist. If they get more compensation for working in person, how does that harm you? You are very obviously not a blue collar worker, so why do you care if they make more money?


mowotlarx t1_jaek3f9 wrote

Remote work isn't a fringe benefit. If we're playing this "everything is the same" game, give every office worker overtime eligibility.

Or, if they really want to work remotely they should change professions.


newestindustry t1_jaeslwl wrote

Of course every office worker should be overtime eligible. That they aren't is unjust—and so is the fact that many essential and/or blue-collar workers are denied the benefit of remote work.

You saying remote work isn't a fringe benefit doesn't make that true. Not sure if you've changed jobs in the last few years but it's absolutely treated as one by recruiters. In the story we're both responding to, labor organizers, leaders, and activists also recognize it as one.

The idea that unionized blue collar workers should just switch jobs if they're unhappy with their working conditions is elitist and anti-worker, you sound like the "learn to code!" people we all hate.


shivering t1_jaf1klh wrote

>If we're playing this "everything is the same" game, give every office worker overtime eligibility.

Damn you're so close.