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Rottimer t1_j9icrgu wrote

The problem is that charter schools have all these options and STILL perform like shit.

So why are we making traditional public schools worse in order to give money to Charters that have not proven to do better?


Neoliberalism2024 t1_j9id8qp wrote

As much as I love paywalled NY Daily News articles from 2013, actual academic research has found them to be effective:


Rottimer t1_j9igak6 wrote

You should read that study, and pay particular attention to what they're comparing.


Neoliberalism2024 t1_j9jmxci wrote

It compares charter school performance to public school, and does it on a like-for-like basis (e.g., race, poverty, disability), including a break down for each.

I’m assuming you didn’t both to read it?


Rottimer t1_j9joh1c wrote

No, it doesn’t. It compares each charter school student to a supposed average of equivalent traditional public school students from the traditional public school the charter school student came from. As a result it is ignoring about a third of all traditional public schools. Because it’s measuring improvement from one year to another, it’s ignoring any child in a charter school that has been there only one year including those kicked out after a year or those that didn’t transfer from a traditional public school. The report acknowledges that the feeder schools its comparing is closer in Demographics to the traditional public school system than the students they’re comparing them to.

It’s a report that uses a convoluted system the stack the deck against traditional public schools and excuses that by arguing it’s comparing how particular students would do in public vs charter schools. And I’m not surprised when they say who funded the study.


KaiDaiz t1_j9idhvd wrote

you mean once you included the screened public schools that carries the score for entire public school system? compare charters to the local failing schools. you see why given the choice of failing local or nil spot screened public that tracks kids OR take your chance with charter...why so many opt for the later.


Rottimer t1_j9iggs4 wrote

Ahh, yes. Let's compare charters to only the worse performing schools and then take money from all traditional schools based on that comparison. That surely makes a lot of sense. . .


KaiDaiz t1_j9ih1f3 wrote

where you think most charters are operating this city? its literally the failing local public or the local charter in a poor hood