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seafoodgodddd t1_j96xzmd wrote

As a former Floridaman, I'm so sorry for this fucker existing


H4drienne t1_j996n0h wrote

I grew up in his fucking district as a teenager when he was a congressional rep. We all hated him. I have never seen anyone get booed off a stage with more ferocity than DeSantis at a town hall


nailgardener t1_j97phlz wrote

Was your mind blown when you found the tap water here actually drinkable?


TazeredAngel t1_j981ce7 wrote

Not who you’re replying to but as another former Floridian it was absolutely mind blowing to me how good water tastes up here straight from the tap.

Also fuck DeSantis.


BobaNYC_88 t1_j994dtr wrote

Same as a former Floridawoman. No matter how hard things get here, I will never go back home while this pseudo-dictator is in power.


ItsAll42 t1_j9993jq wrote

As a fellow former Floridawoman, I feel increasingly creeped out that the worst parts of Florida I escaped are now embodied in Ron DumbSantis, who has a shot at national power. I thought I got away from this shit. This guy would be a thousand times more dangerous than trump was.