Ahead of potential presidential bid, DeSantis heads to New York for law enforcement event
politico.comSubmitted by irish_fellow_nyc t3_116imiy in nyc
Submitted by irish_fellow_nyc t3_116imiy in nyc
What I don't understand is why these Trump-like politicians look so sloppy in their suits 🤔 I mean damn do you even check the mirror before leaving the house? After the Obama-era (& peak COVID) these politicians have a taken a real slide in the style department
It’s part of their image. Trump looks like shit but he pays thousands of dollars to look like shit intentionally
With DeSantis it's intentional. But remember Trump is a genuine moron, I don't doubt that delusional cheeto really thinks he looks fantastic caked in bronzer and stuffed into an ill fitting suit topped by the world's most expensive combover.
nah Trump's suits are custom fitted to look missized off the rack.
in the words of Dolly Parton, 'it costs a lot to look this cheap'
Custom fitted to his specifications, to what he thinks looks good.
Tailors will be happy to cut you an ill fitting suit if you insist that's what you want.
he's frozen in the 80s sense of style...
They get suits a size bigger cause they think it imposes size and fitted is woke, probably.
Woke? Yea you're probably right 😂
🤦🏾🤣 aw man that guy. He's just lost lol
Republican s have NO style….
Maybe. But I'll take that over Rachel Levine or Sam Brinton any day. Just sayin'.
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