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ZinnRider t1_j97zqx0 wrote

Landlords are parasites.

Another world is possible. Because housing is a human right.


Scout-Penguin t1_j9863yy wrote

>>city office landlords

>housing is a human right.

I see we have reached the stage in reflexive landlord hating where we don't even see the other words around "landlord" before losing our shit.


brownredgreen t1_j9a4jnj wrote

The landlords who suck money from The City arent superior to those who suck money from residential tenants.


san_serifs t1_j9abuu7 wrote

I want my free UES apartment overlooking Central Park. It’s my fundamental right.


ZinnRider t1_j9aq1sn wrote

It’s not about your right to get the biggest, fattest piece of chocolate mousse after dinner.

It’s about everyone at minimum at least getting a seat at the table to be fed.

The small minority of your ilk can fight over cake. We simply want a square meal. And feel that’s the least we can ensure as a civilized society.