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blakeley t1_ja0wsz5 wrote

We have to stop naming things after people and building statues of people, it’s stupid.


caffeine314 t1_ja1qpif wrote

I want the Tappan Zee Bridge back.


IRequirePants t1_ja2d3ht wrote

> Tappan Zee Bridge

Little known fact - it's named after our first governor, Governor Tappan Zee.


Goldenderick t1_ja40g68 wrote

It’s a VERY little know fact because it’s not true. The Tappans were an American Indian tribe of that Upstate New York area. Zee is a Dutch name for sea.


IRequirePants t1_ja42lgp wrote

You think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Goldenderick t1_ja54cjt wrote

I don’t know. You may have to ask.

Talk to yourself, without dribbling, and let me know what you say.


brooklynbotz t1_ja1ny34 wrote

Yeah everyone sucks. I'd be ok with only making Fred Rogers statues moving forward.


blakeley t1_ja1o8tx wrote

I’d prefer to name things after endangered animals or things people needed to remember… like “always be nice to your waiter” boulevard


nonlawyer t1_ja1yute wrote

”Don’t poop on the street” Street


Colavs9601 t1_ja27h2r wrote

My man, that would be the most pooped on street the world has ever or will ever know.


lamb_pudding t1_ja4lrvv wrote

I was just thinking how hard me and my buddies would poop on that street back when we were in college though. No diarrhea though. Only fat logs.


jay5627 t1_ja3s9y8 wrote

in Queens, that would be "Don't poop on the street" Ave, Rd, Dr & St


wolfkingstark t1_ja3p7x1 wrote

Next we’re gonna have Andrew tate blvd or Logan paul ave type shit 😂😂😅😂😅