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caffeine314 t1_ja1qkbf wrote

Why are we asking people in the south to give up Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis? How is this any better? Weren't they "white leaders who are not pleasing to black people"?

Why can't people just be boring and moderate? By the end of Trump's Presidency I didn't even care what he did. I was just so exhausted from reading about the crazy shit every day.


thepotatochronicles t1_ja1zkg6 wrote

I think we're just finding out that there were always "batshit crazies" like this all along, it's just that they've been getting more and more of the platform lately...

And yes, I'd agree that it's just so fucking tiring. Can we get on with boring politics like the MTA or gasp zoning please


casanovaelrey t1_ja3ntyu wrote

As a person of color, it isn't any better. It's actually pretty fucking embarrassing to tell you the truth. You've hit the nail on the head. Elijah Muhammad was created by the ideology of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, but he's cut from the same cloth and would have likely engaged in retaliatory actions had he had the power to do so. This is TERRIBLE as a NY'er. I'm surprised there wasn't more uproar. This is why history is important. People might not really know who he is.


[deleted] t1_ja35obf wrote



casanovaelrey t1_ja3tbnx wrote

Yeah bro, naw. You gotta chill. Yes, Eric Adams is dirt. I don't think anyone here will disagree with that but you need to take that "woe is me" BS back to Staten Island. Systemic racism is absolutely real. Read any history book. Just 60 years ago there were actual laws on the books to this effect. Just 30 years, there were actual government policies specifically targeted at particular groups, and today when can point out MULTIPLE issues still stemming from the fact that for the last 400+ years people like yourself will NOT get out of the way and let us end racism for once and for all. So no, White supremacy has DEFINITELY earned the vitriol that it gets.

Now that being said, I denounce EVERYTHING the NOI stands for. Regardless of the fact that one or two of their points might sound appealing in a vacuum, it's all fruits from a poisonous tree. Racial prejudice and systemic racism are both stains on humanity and should be eradicated.


despicedchilli t1_ja3ce4g wrote

> Because the media has been shoving down your throat that only white people can be racist for so long that democrats believe it.

Look up the meaning of "systemic racism."
