casanovaelrey t1_ja3ncrg wrote
Reply to comment by ShittyDuckFace in NYC council votes to name street after antisemitic Nation of Islam leader by drpvn
I'm Jewish but I'm pretty anti-Zionist (as it pertains to the geopolitical aspect and humanity crisis there currently), as are some major Jewish sects (including here in NYC and in Israel, was wild as it sounds). That being said, there definitely is a small minority in the left that is anti-Jewish. I share your hesitation as well with self identifying, because often times my appearance sometimes makes people feel comfortable saying borderline comments and I have to check them. So I completely understand your "pause for cause".
The NOI and Black "Hebrew Israelites" can hardly be called leftists though, just based on what I know of their ideology. It's very conservative in nature. Mainstream leftism is very pro-minority and pro-Jewish, however within the extremes there's ALWAYS an issue. Although, I'd argue they're Right Wingers, just unaligned with the Republicans, unless someone has a better understanding of their politics (I'm genuinely interested, I'm not being snarky).
I do want to caution against the motion that anyone who isn't a Jew that's anti-Zionism, is somehow antisemitic. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, although great marketing by the Zionist lobby tries to link the two. I think there's a way to be anti-Israel, as it currently exists (either from a religious perspective or a human rights perspective), and still be pro-Jewish people.
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja3ohv8 wrote
>I do want to caution against the motion that anyone who isn't a Jew that's anti-Zionism, is somehow antisemitic
Oh no worries I'm fully aware of this. What gives me caution is my own previous experiences with people who aren't aware of how these thoughts morph, and my own personal conversations that I've had with friends who have said anti-Zionist sentiments without realizing that they're teetering on antisemitism and don't realize that they're not fully aware of the whole situation - which makes sense, since we're halfway around the world from Israel! And as a person who doesn't have any ties to Israel, it's understandable that this comes from ignorance and not maliciousness.
I would caution you about the rise of NoI and BHI sentiments however...These sorts of talking points have been cycling around for decades now and even within liberal circles. I had a really sad conversation a few weeks back where my friend essentially wanted me to 'prove that I'm the real Jew', whatever that means. These talking points I would argue are unaligned with political beliefs, making them more dangerous.
casanovaelrey t1_ja3r5mj wrote
Oh I agree with you 100%. I didn't mean to sound like I'm discounting the rise of BHI and NOI talking points in liberal circles. At all. You're more than correct in pointing it out. They're doing a great job of filtering their message through the lens of "Black empowerment". Which I think is so wrong and predatory, because they know the challenges faced by Black Americans, historically and cultural (we won't dive into everything here as I'm sure we're probably equally well-read on the subject) and they prey on their longing for a sense of community to influence and infiltrate.
Also, I know what you mean regarding the "truther" comments and questions. I try to see where it's coming from and if it's true ignorance and curiosity, I educate. I know it's not our "responsibility" but I feel like we should. Just because there's so much information and Jews sometimes tend to be insular and that can be seen as "hiding something" to an outsider. That's just my perspective though.
And you're right, in that we must guard against legitimate concerns being highjacked by people with nefarious intentions. Honestly I look at the anti-Zionist/Jew movement on the extreme Left (and creeping into some more mainstream circles) and pro-Zionism on the Right as a war between extremist White and Black nationalists. Both use Jews as a pawn in their ideology but in truth don't really care about us as a people, per se.
Like the Right wing Christian extremists who only support Israel because 1. there are White Jews/racism against a majority Brown people, although there are also White Palestinians (but the perception is otherwise). 2. They think Jesus is the messiah and will only return if Israel has been established. 3. They think Jewish people will be forcefully "saved by the Gospel".
Just a thought. What do you think? I know I kinda took it in another direction but I'm curious.
[deleted] t1_ja9e5gd wrote
casanovaelrey t1_ja9n80u wrote
The NOI is very Conservative in nature. Their religious beliefs and views towards other ethnic groups, their views towards LGBTQ people, and the list goes on is proof of that. These are all very Conservative policies. I know you hate to hear it but let's LITERALLY pull a run of the mill Democrat and run of the mill Republican, remove all NOI identifiers from their belief systems and see which politician supports it. That in and of itself is an indicator.
Next, ignored by the press?! What part of the internet do you live in? Nobody, and The Rock means NOBODY, in the mainstream press is a friend of the NOI. In case you haven't paid attention to the NOI, one of their biggest enemies is the White liberal. Don't believe me. Believe them. Look up the numerous publications and speeches by them on the topic.
Next, most older Black people are religiously Conservative, socially moderate to liberal, and economically liberal. This is why the Left-ward swing of the Democratic party has rode a wave of Black voters to victories for the last decade. So that point you made fell completely flat.
Next, since like most conservatives you like to lie through your teeth, even if the opposite is sitting in your face, I have already stated my opinion on Black nationalists. It's the same as my opinion of White nationalists. Although White nationalism is the genesis of Black nationalism, two wrongs don't make a right. I stated that CLEARLY and said that I think NOI are predators. I don't know how much stronger condemnation is needed. But with liars and manipulators like your type, I don't think it matters.
Besides, she's not my rep. But being that you're likely not from NYC, you wouldn't know that. I don't live in her district and had I, it's obvious that she's not my choice. 1. I'm very pro Ukraine. 2. Very pro-Jewish. 3. Very pro-culture/race mixing. In no particular order. And if you are from NYC (Staten Island will NEVER count in my book, argue with your mother), you are again intentionally lying about how voting and districting works to insinuate that I somehow voted for her because I live in Manhattan. She represents a part of Harlem. 10th District, I believe. I do NOT live in that district therefore she's NOT my rep.
Since you like to mix topics and have clearly demonstrated inability to comprehend complex topics, I will TDLR it for you. I said NOI are the worst ever because of how they try to manipulate Black Americans by inserting antisemitism and racially prejudiced ideology into otherwise legitimate discourse, i.e. lacing vegetables with polonium.
I also said that I think we should be careful to separate legitimate criticisms that even many actual Jews have about the modern state of Israel from unfair criticisms targeting Jewish people for simply being Jews. There's a complete difference. One is rightfully criticizing genocide and human rights abuses and the other is unadulterated hate directed at a group of people simply for existing. Zionism is NOT Judaism.
I also said that I feel like extremist talk is seeping into mainstream dialogue, often unknown by the people saying it (how it often starts) and it's my responsibility and the responsibility of other Jews/informed people to educate against that.
Where in any of my comments did you see any of the absolute bullshit that you tried to say. I know Trump, MTG, and Santos believe yelling lies and insults as loudly as possible is a way to muddy the waters of conversation but I'm not like other liberals. I don't care about decorum and turning the other cheek. That's a Christian value. I'm not Michelle Obama. I don't go high. When y'all go low, I take it to the m@thaf#$&in' flo' (floor). Be gone.
And to be clear, eff Louis Farrakhan, eff Elijah Muhammad, and eff the NOI. They're not even Muslim. Nothing they teach is Islamic or of Islam.
[deleted] t1_jaa99qz wrote
casanovaelrey t1_jaab3s6 wrote
You said absolutely nothing at all of any substance. My previous comments stand. Go be loud, wrong, and angry somewhere else. I'm not going to engage with a seriously ignorant individual who keeps trying to move the goal posts to obtain a moral high ground that doesn't exist. I've made my statements very clear on every topic and I stand by every statement. Have a good one.
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