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TarumK t1_j8snz4p wrote

Does it never happen that you get home tired and you're like "fuck it I'll just get tacos?"

Also, were you ever tempted to just pick up some side gig-work or you just don't have the time for that?


ThrowRAanyways2 OP t1_j8sox0t wrote

Yes. I save on fast food with McDonalds and Taco Bell mobile apps. They have pretty significant discounts and have good rewards systems. McDonald’s is the only place I’ll get a Diet Coke because they still charge $1 for a large. When I’m in midtown, I get $1 pizza slices. There are also some food carts or cash-only small restaurants with ok-priced menus.


TarumK t1_j8spado wrote

Yeah, the problem with that for me is that that food's so unhealthy. In the long term but also in the short term crap fast food always messes with my stomach. So my lazy takeout option always ends up being chipotle/tacos etc, which is nowadays in the 15 dollar range.