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stork38 t1_jag4tps wrote

This is unnecessary.

Using force while stealing property is already a serious violent crime (robbery) but "certain" DAs like to knock those down to misdemeanor petit larceny (shoplifting) instead of inconveniencing some scum violent thief with jail time.

If we had a legitimate media, they'd question how often DA's knock down these statutory felony assaults (assaults against EMS, cops, hospital workers and such) in the early stages of the case and instead just process as standard misdemeanor assaults.


NYY657545 OP t1_jah1qjx wrote

Those articles are still stuck in the /r/nyc mod filter


Rottimer t1_jahnic1 wrote

Because at that point there is no reason for the accused to not go to trial to see if they can do better with a jury. And because of our fucked up system, that would pretty quickly bring the criminal courts to a halt.