seafoodgodddd t1_jdyvnav wrote
Reply to comment by PandaJ108 in NYC teachers union’s workshop on ‘harmful effects of whiteness’ canceled after influx of ‘hate’ by someone_whoisthat
Dumb white guy here who really doesn't want to ask this IRL to my friends but why is LatinX so unliked?
Darrkman t1_jdywhou wrote
It's a term created by super progressive white people who then told Hispanic people that it's the proper term for them. Coupled with the fact that X doesn't really work for Spanish speakers and you have a classic example of white people bullshit.
There a few studied out there about how the majority of the Hispanic community either doesn't know about the term or don't care for it at all.
I work in advertising and had to present a write up on the term. Half my team is Hispanic, bunch of Dominicans and a Cuban and they all hate the term.
Edit: Cause I know where I got my data from:
albeinsc4d t1_jdzmv0i wrote
Is fighting the language because it has gendered terms. Very few work both ways [calor, sarten, etc.] and that bothers these people.
No real self respecting latino, specially ones that weren't born here would let that fly.
LordDanVenison t1_jdzno6m wrote
Remember that plenty of languages (like farsi) are already gender neutral, but the countries that speak them don’t have gender equality (Iran)
albeinsc4d t1_jdzpu9p wrote
What is the Farsi for " rights for all humans regardless of their religious or sexual orientation"?
I missed that day in Farsi class.
rayhiggenbottom t1_je03is1 wrote
حقوق همه انسانها صرف نظر از گرایش مذهبی یا جنسی
albeinsc4d t1_je0dbkc wrote
nice, is basically like saying "yo" in NYC right?
sdotmills t1_je08vke wrote
> and you have a classic example of white people bullshit.
This really sums up so much so perfectly.
seafoodgodddd t1_jdyx4k5 wrote
Ahhh gotcha, yeah that makes sense. Thanks!
Neckwrecker t1_je0ncpi wrote
It's kinda not true though.
tootsie404 t1_je0e1t0 wrote
The history is not entirely true. The term was originated by non-binary queer Latino who wanted a term that they could own in a very harmless way. It was then co-opted by super progressive white people to push onto everyone else.
Neckwrecker t1_je0muis wrote
>It's a term created by super progressive white people who then told Hispanic people that it's the proper term for them.
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_je1nyna wrote
I don't hear Latin people using it. And my friend is dating a Quebecoise. Note the feminine "E". Masculine is Quebecois. We don't get to change other peoples' languages to suit our sensibilities. Sorry.
1nv1s1blek1d t1_jdzvmqz wrote
People from outside a culture are trying to shape another cultures language by inserting a word that makes zero sense being in there. I really wish they would stop trying to make Latinx a thing. It’s total cringe.
[deleted] t1_jdzwkqp wrote
mehkindaok t1_je2gccy wrote
According to the self-loathing purple-haired $300,000 Barnard gender studies degree holders those silly latinxs don't know how to speak their own language.
NetQuarterLatte t1_je830v1 wrote
It’s really tragic that you feel you cannot ask it IRL. And that’s just another symptom of a deeper problem I’ve been noticing.
In my opinion, one of the biggest damages caused to society in modern times happened because of white people (mostly politicians) who were acting or being omissive because of shame or guilty.
Rottimer t1_je02mxy wrote
Just know that the answers you get here will be colored by biases. That’s going to be the case whoever you go to, but Reddit is particularly awful in general when it comes to discussions that the general demographic can’t relate to.
This article approaches it a lot more even handedly than you’ll find in this sub.
mehkindaok t1_je2i4n1 wrote
Or how about you ask a native speaker and not the oprah herd, pendejx?
Fine_With_It_All t1_jdzd6k9 wrote
Asks question to become knowledgeable on a current topic - gets downvoted. Nice /s
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