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Jimmy_kong253 t1_jdz9q19 wrote

Just the title alone is racist I mean if there was a class on the harmful effects of blackness there would be protests also. Just stop playing the division game with race or gender.


Butnazga t1_jecyxu0 wrote

They can't, it's too lucrative. Book sales, speaking fees, etc.


Rottimer t1_je03sc4 wrote

Talking about race isn’t itself racist. In fact, ignoring race in a country with our history generally works to the detriment of minorities. It is a fact that because white people are the dominant race in this country and because of the history we have, it’s the culture of white protestants that is held up as “American.”

This is not a racist claim or a knock against white people in general.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_je1oie4 wrote

??? The non Jewish population of NYC is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. I'm a native and with the exception of a few Scandinavians in Bay Ridge, have never met a native born WASP New Yorker. Since this is the UFT, and since it's about educators in the NYC public school system, whatever the "Dominant" history in America may be (and we disagree), it's not "White Protestant" here.


Rottimer t1_je1uvxa wrote

First, this is talking about the U.S. as a whole, not NYC specifically. NYC is most certainly more a melting pot than the rest of the country. Second, nyc public school teachers are mostly white (54% I believe) teaching student body that is overwhelming people of color (80%). It makes sense to have a workshop where teachers can explore how “whiteness” as defined by the workshop, may inform how their responding to cultural differences amongst students.


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_je20rea wrote

I don't even know what "whiteness" is. I've never seen myself as "white". I don't feel any affinity to people just because we have the same color. In fact, if anything, I probably would have to say that I'm the least familiar with and least comfortable around "White Progressive" transplants, who are completely foreign to me. I'm more familiar with other native New Yorkers, regardless of their background- Jewish, Puerto Rican or black, It doesn't matter.

And I can tell you being from Brooklyn...Greeks and Italians don't have much in common with Irish people. No one defines themselves as "white", and if they did, no one has demonstrated what "whiteness" means or how it's harmful.