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t1_jb5vel3 wrote


t1_jb6zgwy wrote

You do realize that compared to 15 years ago the city has never been safer…


t1_jbah6t7 wrote

Everyone loves using the seatbelt analogy with covid, so how about here? Do you think it's acceptable to have seatbelts in cars that "work better than they used to" or seatbelts that actually work?

When it comes to, oh, I dunno, RAPE, there should be no "there's rape, but not as much rape as there used to be."


t1_jbelj2x wrote

So how about what…. Per capita nyc isn’t even in the top 50 cities in the US for crime. Go check it. There is also a thing called the dripping tap. At some point there is a diminishing return on activity to prevent crime versus cost. Crime will always exist. The question is are people pushing it for political use or are they actually having a fair conversation.

NYC is safe. Crime varies depending on economics and other issues, but on a whole it isn’t close to being as bad as the top 50 cities in the US per capita.

The laser focus on NYC is done by ignoring other places which are 10 times worse by population. I usually think about crime as probability I am at risk and not by total numbers in a city of 9 million. If 500 people are killed in NYC the per capita is low, but every one goes nuts like “it’s 500” people and your city is out of control.

Is it variable and higher than say 2 years ago… sure. Is it out of control … no.