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t1_jdtkgdq wrote

You're welcome to provide evidence instead of arguing non-existent hypotheticals in your head


t1_jdtsa6i wrote

The response was “oh you’re one of those both sides guys”. There was nothing more. That in and of itself is a shit argument that proves nothing, and you agreed with it, which makes your argument shit.
but, since you want evidence you can look at Hillary Clinton, paid a fine for the exact same thing they’re trying to nail Trump for just replace a porn star with people giving her campaign bogus info on Russian ties for Trump.

Both sides suck, you can play this game all day, it’s just moronic to even think the dems are any better than the reps.


t1_jdtvoz9 wrote

I'm going to side with the team that doesn't ban books, doesn't deny the results of an election, and doesn't have Nazis and KKK members siding with them. If you think this applies to both sides then you need to get your head checked


t1_jduu0d2 wrote

Lol, you asked for proof and then when given some evidence you just change to something else. Again, a low quality argument. None of what you said is actually true though.


t1_jduw3le wrote

You're obviously delusional for thinking so.


t1_jduwosq wrote

Delusion is asking for some evidence and then when provided just calling names. Nazis and KKK members? You realize the Democrat party elected an actual KKK leader, right?


t1_jduxb2g wrote

It's almost like things change over time. You realize they only show up for one political party now right?


t1_jduypg8 wrote

The Democrats elected one of his biggest supporters, Joe Biden. You realize as much as you think things change, they really don't. Both sides suck, quit being a jackass.


t1_jduz7ge wrote

I've never seen KKK or Nazis at a Biden rally, Trump on the other hand ...

There's no other reason than being dense to think both sides are the same.


t1_jdv3hbf wrote

I think I would be more concerned with KKK supporters in the government (see Biden and Hillary Clinton) than a small fringe voting block.

Again, let me make this simple for you since this is obviously what you need, BOTH SIDES SUCK!


t1_jdv72qf wrote

You're welcome to provide evidence that they support the KKK.

You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong they are. Dems aren't perfect but by far they are the ones enacting policy that benefit the most people.


t1_jdvgd7c wrote

I provided you with evidence earlier and you ignored it. Why would I do it again? They elected a leader of the KKK, Hillary and Biden (among many others) called him a friend. It is indisputable. The Democrats are the party of slavery, it is in their history. It is their lineage.


t1_jdvwyli wrote

Like I said, it's like things change over time. Republicans used to root for unions. Democrats are the ones taking down confederate monuments. It's shocking how little you understand or just choose to be with willfully ignorant on politics


t1_jdvyawv wrote



t1_jdvyl65 wrote

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(a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed.

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(d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.