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Due_Masterpiece_3601 t1_jbflsau wrote

I find absolutely revolting and spineless how many people here are now saying that this is a problem, when just a few months ago the same people doubled down on their sanctuary city, kumbaya bullshit and anyone who disagreed with them was a racist and bigot. As a NYer, we deserve to eat shit right now because most of us saw no issue with migrants even though we were warned.


supermechace t1_jbfuxft wrote

Actually it's the right to shelter law that the issue as these are asylum applicants that couldn't be deported anyway. Abbot is just harping to make a political point. Right to shelter has good intentions but should be tweaked to apply to NY residence only and everyone else a case by case basis


Brokeliner t1_jbgm6vm wrote

Yeah but factor in how many self righteous tweets and Facebook rants were sent during that time period. Can we quantify how much each one of those was worth? Maybe about $500 to $1000 each, perhaps next time we can just give the cash straight to them and they don’t have to pretend on the internet to be a better person than everyone else


headphase t1_jbgoj2x wrote

>the same people doubled down on their sanctuary city, kumbaya bullshit and anyone who disagreed with them was a racist and bigot

Oh please, if you would spend a minute to read the article you would see that the problem isn't about the migrants; the problem is the city's lack of leadership and unfocused, shortsighted approach to the issue. Migrants can become an asset to the city, but only if there is a sustainable, long-term plan to get them on their feet.


icrbact t1_jbp3ob1 wrote

Yes and that starts with regulating the inflow. It’s hard to make it in the city and downright impossible if you don’t have any marketable skills. The federal government must stop uncontrolled inflow of illegal immigrants but make it easier for qualified candidates to legally migrate to the US (see for example the Canadian points system). As long as illegal is easy and legal is hard, the US will spend more than it gets in return.