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PoopEmoji8618 t1_je0o12b wrote

Idk where you are in nyc, but the biggest payment you’re probably making is rent or mortgage/common charges. So the easy answer is to find something (perhaps with roommates) on the “affordable” side. This will likely mean further from Manhattan. Another option is roommates.

The rest is just miscellaneous (food, transportation, events, utilities). This is something you can manage to more of an extent than the housing.

Bottom line is you just need to spend less and save more. Particularly more so if your income isn’t increasing at the rate of inflation. This could mean you don’t go out to eat often/cook more, less events, less travel, etc.

This is true regardless of where you live. NYC just has a higher housing cost but lower transportation cost (subway/bus vs car for a big chunk of NYC).

Dual income is much easier I will say. So roommates are probably the way to go for you if you do not have a spouse. That way less of the cost burden for housing is solely on you