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Elizasol t1_jdl1r4n wrote

.. This is nyc, if you live here long enough you will see hate crimes being committed. I've seen guys use racial slurs against asian or hispanic store clerks or vendors and then destroy some things in their store or display or physically threaten them. You can guess what they all had in common

This doesn't even take into account all the terrible racist things that happen in nyc schools I've seen growing up.

No one is asking you to do anything, it's not like you have the power to. But don't pretend that the conversation you guys are having on racism in this country is honest, it's not. One side hates black people and the other side refuses to acknowledge that black people are probably the most racist group of people in the country.


naelisio t1_jdno6zm wrote

As opposed to the people that shoot people in grocery stores for the color of their skin?


iciclepenis t1_jdm1fg0 wrote

An honest conversation I would have about people being violent, destructive, and racist is how to implement positive change. I don't personally believe black people are the most concerning group in NYC or the US. Whether they are or are not I'd push to improve education, anti-racist policies, and encourage diversity and inclusion. These would benefit any person, group, or community.